domelike mass

domelike mass
куполовидный массив

Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "domelike mass" в других словарях:

  • oxygen group element — ▪ chemical element Introduction also called  chalcogen,    any of the five chemical elements making up Group 16 (VIa) of the periodic classification namely, oxygen, sulfur, selenium, tellurium, and polonium. (See Figure >.) A relationship among… …   Universalium

  • cupula — A cup shaped or domelike structure. SYN: cupola. [L. dim. of cupa, a tub] ampullary c. SYN: c. ampullaris. c. ampullaris [TA] a gelatinous mass that overlies the hair cells of the ampullary crests of the semicircular ducts; movement of… …   Medical dictionary

  • respiration — respirational, adj. /res peuh ray sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of respiring; inhalation and exhalation of air; breathing. 2. Biol. a. the sum total of the physical and chemical processes in an organism by which oxygen is conveyed to tissues and cells,… …   Universalium

  • salt dome — Geol. a domelike rock structure that is formed beneath the earth s surface by the upward movement of a mass of salt, may reach thousands of feet in vertical extent, and is more or less circular in plan: often associated with oil and gas pools. Cf …   Universalium

  • salt dome — noun : a domical anticline in sedimentary rocks having a mass of rock salt as its core and being forced up in plastic form by earth stresses from an underlying bed of salt * * * Geol. a domelike rock structure that is formed beneath the earth s… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Scalloped margin dome — A scalloped margin dome is a volcanic dome that has experienced collapse and mass wasting such as landslides on its perimeter. The margins of these domes have arcuate headscarps or scallops separated by ridges that are a consequence of adjoining… …   Wikipedia

  • anorthosite — anorthositic /an aw theuh sit ik/, adj. /an awr theuh suyt /, n. Petrol. a granular plutonic rock composed largely of labradorite or a more calcic feldspar. [1860 65; < F anorthose anorthoclase (an AN 1 + Gk orthós straight) + ITE1] * * * Type of …   Universalium

  • laccolith — laccolithic, laccolitic /lak euh lit ik/, adj. /lak euh lith/, n. Geol. a mass of igneous rock formed from magma that did not find its way to the surface but spread laterally into a lenticular body, forcing overlying strata to bulge upward. Also …   Universalium

  • Pachycephalosaurus — ▪ dinosaur genus  genus of large and unusual dinosaurs found as fossils in deposits of North America dating to the Late Cretaceous Epoch (100 million to 66 million years ago). Pachycephalosaurus,which grew to be about 5 m (16 feet) long, was a… …   Universalium

  • ice cap — noun a large domelike glacial mass usually at high elevation …   Wiktionary

  • List of nature parks in Germany — Map displaying the nature parks in Germany Ninety eight official nature parks (German: Naturparks) have been established in Germany under section 22, paragraph 4 of that country s Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG). They comprise about 25 …   Wikipedia

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